American Teens It Even

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HIGH ALERT: Intentional Exposures Among Teens to Single-Load Laundry Packets Continue to RiseAlexandria,

58% of American teens have downloaded an app to a cell phone or tablet. More than half of teen apps users have avoided an app due to concerns about sharing

An evangelical film student sets out to make her senior thesis, and stumbles into an abusive American Christian academy in the Dominican Republic.

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WASHINGTON—American teens report experiences with stress that follow a similar pattern as adults, according to a new survey released today by the American Psychological Association (APA). In fact, during the college year, teens say their stress level is higher than levels reported by adults in the

Teens share a wide range of information about themselves on social media sites; 1 indeed the sites themselves are designed to encourage the sharing of information and the expansion of networks. However, few teens embrace a fully public approach to social media. Instead, they take an array of steps

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Being Terrible to Teens Is an American Political Tradition Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg are the latest to experience the terrible underside of being part of the larger debate.

How mans Influence Teens’ Happiness. The influence of mans on their teenage ren has long been overlooked. Now researchers are finding surprising ways in which mans make a difference

Sacramento, California (CNN) — Authorities are crediting a quick thinking airline employee for preventing two teenagers from becoming victims of human trafficking. American Airlines agent Denise Miracle said it was all about trusting her gut instincts when two teens came to her ticket

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Mindfulness Training for Teens Fails Important Test. A large trial in colleges showed no evidence of benefits, and hints it could even cause problems

Fifty years after its landmark 1966 survey, Newsweek set out to discover what’s changed and what’s stayed the same for American teens.

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